locandina mare di vino

Terradonnà will be present at Mare di Vino 2022 the showcase of the wine production of the province of Livorno organized by Fisar.

Also this year Terradonnà will participate in Mare di Vino 2022 the presentation event of the best wines of Suvereto, Bolgheri, Riparbella and Montescudaio organized by Fisar.

The fair will take place next 3 – 4 December at the Cruise Terminal at the Port of Livorno. Find all the info on the fair on the event website: MareDiVino

You can find us at our stand where it will be possible to taste our production of Suvereto wine where our company is located. Terradonnà will be present on both days to tell you what it means to make wine in Suvereto and the story behind the production, names and labels of our wines.

If you have a business and want unique wines with which differentiate your offer, we will be happy to reserve you a private meeting during the fair, to book this experience you can contact us through the contact page

For any questions or needs we are at your disposal, do not hesitate to write to us by email: info@terradonna.it