Vinitaly 2024 eng

Once again, Terradonnà will be present at Vinitaly, the most important event for Italian wine, to present its wines and new vintages to customers and enthusiasts.

From April 14th to 17th we will be waiting for you at the stand of the Consorzio di Tutela Suvereto e Val di Cornia in Tuscany: hall 9, stand B2.

A unique opportunity to:

  • Taste our wines, authentic expressions of the Suvereto territory.
  • Discover the new vintages, the result of passionate work and a constant search for quality.
  • Meet Annalisa and Michele, who will be happy to tell you the story and philosophy of Terradonnà.

An area dedicated to Suvereto:

With the creation of an area dedicated to our area in Tuscany, we have decided to join it to best represent Suvereto and its winemaking vocation.

Private tastings:

If you are interested in a more intimate and personalized experience, it is possible to organize a private tasting at the event. Write to us at to book your appointment.

Benefits for wine professionals:

For wine professionals, we have reserved a series of advantages that will be available only during the days of the fair. Come and visit us to find out more.

Vinitaly, an opportunity not to be missed:

Vinitaly is a unique platform to discover the excellences of Italian and international wine. An unmissable opportunity to taste, discover and network with the protagonists of the sector.

We look forward to seeing you at Vinitaly 2024!

For information on Vinitaly: